Natural Pharmacy
- February 4, 2018
- Posted by: Poliklinika Leptir
- Categories:

Within the Leptir Polyclinic there is a Natural Pharmacy with specific products for reducing symptoms our patients experience due to thyroid problems. Here you can find only supplements and phyto-medicaments of high quality.
Phytotherapy is a medical discipline using herbs as a source of medicinal (biologically active) substances affecting the human organism. Herbs in native form and/or their phytotherapeutic preparations contain pharmacological active substances which keep and maintain the health, prevent diseases and treat diseases. (© 2013. Stribor Marković)
Are you interested in supplementation?
Please contact our nutritionist and phyto-aromatherapist Karmen Matković Melki!
If you want to make an appointment or know more about our services please contact our nurses on
+385 1 3014 923 or via e-mail Our prices are available here.