Karmen Matković Melkinutritionist

- Nutritional counseling
- Phytotherapy
- Metabolic Balance
- Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology at the University of Zagreb
She applies her wide experience in nutrition and phytotherapy in working with patients. Her speciality is nutrition therapy and supplementation related to thyroid disfunction. She is a certified therapist for Metabolic balance® programme intended for healthy weight loss.
She is engaged in many projects, such as an ambassador of Food Revolution (Jamie Oliver Foundation) for Croatia.
Curriculum Vitae
- Born in Split in 1984, where she also completed the highschool
- Graduated from the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology at the University of Zagreb, graduate study programme – Nutrition
- Since 2011 works in Bioleptir nutritional counceling centre
- Works as co-manager of Definicija hrane (eng. Food Definition), an educational nutritional centre www.definicijahrane.hr
- Since 2014 acts as the chairman of the Croatian Academic Center for Applied Nutritional Science (CACANS)
- From 2011 to 2013 worked voluntarily as a dietist in Children’s Hospital Zagreb in the Reference Center for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Dietary Disorders as a part of international multicentre nutritional study of the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN): “Malnutrition: frequency and effects in hospitalized children in Europe” and “Nutrition Day” audit of nutritional risk assessment within the scope of international project called nutritionDay.org
- In 2011 completed training in clinical nutrition: ESPGHAN Nutrition Summer School
- Since 2012 has been a certified therapist of Metabolic balance® programme
- Since 2014 has been an ambassador for Food Revolution (Jamie Oliver Foundation) for Croatia
- From 2014 to 2015 completed a training in phyto-aromatherapy
- Co-author of various scientific and popular nutritional articles and participant in many congresses and conferences in the field of clinical nutrition
Blood tests
Blood work for thyroid, internal or endocinological examination, or before the operation. Monday to Friday, without prior announcement.
read moreNatural Pharmacy
Within the Leptir Polyclinic there is a Natural Pharmacy with specific high quality products for reducing symptoms our patients experience due to health problems.
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